Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Not much done this week again so far! 

I have been working on my crinoline picture I am now ready to work on the dress and hat!  Do yo think I will get it done before x-mas!!

I put it aside again while working on some projects to send overseas to my grandmother. She has been having some family and friends that have gone above and beyond to help so I have been making thank you gifts.  I am working on a small wall quilt now for my 3rd cousin Him and his wife have really helped  a lot

the last year. I have the  applique nearly done hopefully I will get it done today then sew it together I need to mail it by saturday so I will have to really crack down today and get it finished.  Then I need to work on my sister-in-laws lap quilt.

I spent yesterday morning working on some of this months BOMs I have three of them cut out and started to starch and turn edges ready for sewing . and I finished two from last month.

Today my son will be taking our dog daisy to the eye specialist to try and save her eye. we have been told she has the begining  of glacouma  she's not even two yrs old yet. so we will see what the new dr has to say. it is nearly a hour and half drive one way to take her and alot of money but he wants to make sure he has done what he can for her. she was spoiled before but now she is really spoiled!! she tells me when she wants to go lay down and expects me to join her. it is 5.30 am here right now and I have been up getting everyone off to work she is pawing at my arms and feet trying to get me to go back to bed now!! I will have to lay down with her after kyle leaves for work I think it is the drops she gets in the morning.

Well I hope you all have a great week. speak to you  next time.

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